Choose The  Right  Organic Food That Makes You Healthier
                The most important thing to be observed before purchasing  an organic food is its certification. We have to declare a food as organic when it meets certain standards in each category like nut grains , oils, honey and even for jaggery. The chemicals used to grow the crops, level of pesticides and fungicides used on the crop , colors and preservatives used in the preparation of  food , all these parameters are to be observed while choosing an organic food. 
                 To  get maximum benefit while choosing  a better organic food in lower budget is to select the food that we consume  every day such as rice, pulses ,wheat , cooking oils and spices like chilli powder. These are the base foods  for Indian diet and majority of us will consume everyday . When we invest on these foods we prevent ourselves from being exposed to more pesticide residues.
           Its always suggestible to depend much on seasonal , home grown fruits, curry leafs than fruits that were grown thousands of  miles away and used high amount of preservatives for storage. We eat grapes with skin and more chances of getting preservatives in when compared to banana or pomegranate. Prefer Guava rather than apple as its cultivated everywhere and almost no preservatives are used .

             Coming to vegetables use different set of vegetables every week or ten days to prevent the harmful affects of any one kind of vegetable . Prefer to use organic for repeated vegetables like tomoto, onion and chilli. Also prefer organic vegetables we use with  skin  such as beans, okra, curry leafs as they are more exposed to surface and high chances of pesticide deposits.
             If you follow these principles , you will get maximum benefit with the money  that you invest on organic food .